Use of Methylene blue

Methylene blue can be used to make inks and lakes, as well as dyeing of biological and bacterial tissues. Methylene blue and ZnCl2 are made into double salts, which can be used for dyeing cotton, hemp, silk fabric, paper and bamboo and wood. It can also be mixed with crystal violet and yellow dextrin in a ratio of 78:13:9 to basic blue.
Because Methylene blue is reductive, its injection is used to treat methemoglobinemia. Also used to rescue nitrobenzene, nitrite and cyanide poisoning. For mild poisoning of carbon monoxide, detoxification can be performed by intravenous injection of methylene blue. Clinically used to treat sulfa allergy.
Because of its bactericidal effect, oral Methylene blue or washing with its solution can treat cystitis and urethritis. In addition, Methylene blue is excreted from the urine after entering the human body for 30 minutes (injection) to several hours (oral), causing the urine to temporarily appear blue, and is therefore also used for kidney function measurement.
In ornamental fish culture, 0.1-0.2 ppm of Methylene blue solution is also used for disinfection or treatment of diseases such as white spot disease.